Dr. Patricia Robin Rigby, Professor, Kyoto University (Feb. 28/77- Dec. 9/07) passed away in a tragic vehicle accident in December 2007 near her home in Shirahama, Japan. She was married to Kohta Asamidori.

The Robin Rigby Trust was established by Robin¡¯s parents, Doug and Mary Rigby,to provide a way for her family and friends to celebrate her life and promote the work that she loved.

Robin received her B.Sc. at Saint Mary's University and M.Sc. at Dalhousie and went on to earn a Doctorate at Hokkaido University in Japan.

She worked at the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory of Kyoto University.Robin was a member of the Census of Marine Life community and from 2004 was the project coordinator with NaGISA (Natural Geography in Shore Areas) in addition to her own research on squid and octopus.


Integrating Pices and NaGISA (pdf)
Octopus Article Abstr (pdf)
NaGISA Handbook ref (pdf)
MscThesis_ref (pdf)
Phd Thesis (pdf)
  A rigby octopus (pdf)